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segunda-feira, 24 de setembro de 2012

L'amour toujours

And all the things you thought to be right were nothing but an illusion. It came out so fast and it drove you crazy. You wondered if it was a dream or love or confusion. Just accepted as if it was fate or something like that. Because it felt so good. And now you're all alone again. You don't look for love, you expect to find it. You never did it, neither looked out for it or found it. That's what you believe. You can't find something like that if you're searching for it. It just shows up at your face when you're not looking for it. Because it's not a reasonable or measureable thing. It's not just infactuation or desire or sex. It's all of these together and more. It's something that comes from the soul, you can not tell. It carries out desire and heat too but it has more than that. It brings light and the heart beats faster but in a very good way. It happens so fast that you can't even believe, you even doubt it, but you better not. Trust it, accept it, embrace it. 

"A life with no love is no life at all." (Leonardo Da Vinci)

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